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The Indecisive Moment

I'm starting a new movement in photography. I feel like alll of my work recently has been pinned down in relation to Bresson's concept of the decisive moment. Now, from what will follow, it may seem that I am against Bresson's method of street photography, but this is not the case. Don't misenterpret my words here. I love the dramatic tension and lively narrative that Bresson's work captures, but to only love one form of photography seems quite dull to me. From here on out, I am interested in exploring the indecisive moment. The stillness, the relaxation of spaces that exist unmoving. The innanimate spaces that stoicly accept the atmosphere cast upon them day, after day, after day. The languid pace at which these scenes transpire affords a more medatative image, one that gives the illusion of relying not on timing, but rather simply on ability to see and mechanical skill. Of course, this appearance is false. The actor is simply one which we do not recognize immediately. It is the aforementioned atmosphere that takes the front of the scene here. The repetative nature with which the atmophere acts is the core of its indecisiveness. It is a moment that only happened once, yes, but due to the lack of agency that we afford the actors we are unable to recognize the moment's individuality. Through affixing this title of the indecisive moment, the viewer is forced to question whether or not the image being presented is in fact indecisive, bringing about inspection of the seemingly mundane with renewed vigor. To begin exploring this concept, I thought I'd look into the work of Andreas Goroncy. Of course the thought I presented above are my own, and as the creator of these photos Andreas Goroncy is entitled to apply meaning, I just thought they would present an interesting illustration of my ideas.


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